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Welcome to Christ Church Cooperstown!

We are delighted to welcome you!

Our Sunday 10am Holy Eucharist is also on our YouTube Channel

Want to know what’s going on this week?—check out The Chronicle newsletter

Sunday Worship in St. Agnes Chapel

  • 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I

  • 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Weekday Worship

  • 8:3oam Wednesdays in the St. Agnes Chapel: Holy Eucharist

  • 9:30am Wednesdays, Parish Hall: The Rector’s Bible Study, Genesis

    Special Events for Lent and Easter 2025  


    Stations of the Cross, Fridays at Noon during Lent

    March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, St. Agnes Chapel


    Rector’s Bible Study: The Story of Joseph, Genesis 37-50

    Wednesdays at 9:30am Parish Hall


    Ecumenical Lenten Book Study: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Discipleship

    Wednesdays in Lent, 5:30pm

    What does it mean to say that you are a follower of Jesus Christ? What are Christians to do with the seemingly impossible ethic of the Sermon on the Mount? What does Jesus want from us today? How do Christians act responsibly in the face of materialism, Christian nationalism, and hate? We will begin on the Wednesday after Ash Wednesday with a simple soup supper provided by the host site, followed by a discussion led by a local leader. Books will be available for purchase ($20) in the middle of February at the Presbyterian Church, 9am-3pm Monday-Friday. 


    1.     Week 1 March 12         Prefaces, chapters 1 and 2, page 39, Presbyterian Church Chapel

    2.     Week 2 March 19         Chapters 3, 4, and 5 pp. 41-67, Christ Church Parish Hall

    3.     Week 3 March 26         Chapter 6 pp. 69-107, United Methodist Church Cooperstown

    4.     Week 4 April 2             Chapter 6 pp. 107-147, United Methodist Church, Fly Creek

    5.     Week 5 April 9             Chapter 6, 7 pp. 147-174, First Baptist Church of Cooperstown


    A Public Service of Healing with the Laying on of Hands

    With Holy Eucharist

    Wednesdays, 8:30am during Lent, St. Agnes Chapel

    The Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 6: Return to Christ Church

    See the complete and new Violet set from Renewing the Vestments Project


    Holy Week: Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday April 13

    10am, beginning at the Lychgate, Christ Church


    Holy Wednesday

    8:30am, St. Anges Chapel


    Maundy Thursday

    With the Mandatum and stripping of the altar, 6pm, Christ Church


    Good Friday Ecumenical Service:

    The Last Seven Words of Jesus, April 18, noon, Christ Church


    Easter Ecumenical Sunrise Service

    Lakefront Park, April 20, 6:30am


    Easter Day, April 20, 10am

    Christ Church, Robert Ainsley, Organist


Christ Church is a Parish in the Diocese of Albany, part of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America

And a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 2:00pm. to 5:00 p.m.

To make an appointment with Fr. Nathan, please contact us.