Becoming a Member
“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another…”
—Romans 12:5
We welcome all who are drawn here for worship, learning, service, sight-seeing, or just in search of a peaceful place to sit and rest. So what does it mean to become a member?
We encourage anyone who wants to learn more about Christ Church to fill out a pew card with contact information and drop it in the collection plate so that we may welcome you more fully. You may also reach out using the form on our “Contact Us” page found at the top right hand corner.
Membership in the Church Universal is ours by the grace of God, through faith in Christ Jesus as the crucified and risen Savior, and with the outward and visible sign of Baptism with water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Episcopal Church joyfully welcomes all who have been baptized, in whatever church or denomination, to participate fully in the life of our local congregations. If you have not been baptized and feel the Lord calling you to this important sacramental milestone here at Christ Church, please contact the Parish Office to discuss upcoming baptismal dates and the preparation process.
If you are interested in membership at Christ Church, the best place to start is in worship, especially on Sundays. The Christian faith is not a solitary pursuit, and the first step to becoming a member of this Parish is simply showing up and getting to know fellow parishioners. Come to church, take part in Bible study, join in fellowship and service activities, and pray about whether this place might become a spiritual home for you and your family.
Additionally, baptized, active members of Christ Church are expected to engage in the discipline of giving. Stewardship of our money—returning to God a “tithe,” or a tenth of our income, in acknowledgement that all we have comes from him—is as important to the living out of the Christian life as prayer, Bible study, and attendance at worship. Christ Church is blessed with beautiful, historic buildings that are filled with lively, life-giving activities. The tithes and offerings of our members make the maintenance of those buildings and the continuation of those activities possible. Members of this Parish give generously and joyfully in support of Christ Church and its many ministries.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a member of Christ Church, or you would like more information about Baptism or Confirmation for yourself or a family member, please contact the Parish Office.